WorldPay Documentation

Getting started processing transactions through the WorldPay payment gateway is easy. This site will provide you with a description of the different processing options you have, and guide you through the steps to getting up and running quickly.

The documents below are provided to assist you in incorporating the Online Commerce Suite products into your business.  Most are available in .pdf format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Click below to download a copy of the Acrobat Reader.

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Getting Started Guide An overview of the Online Commerce Suite and Payment Gateway. This guide also answers questions about e-commerce, credit card and ACH payments and fraud controls.
Batch Processing Guide This document describes how to submit bulk transactions to the Online Commerce Suite batch processor.
Mobile Merchant Center
User Guide
This document describes how to submit transactions and run reports from your handheld wireless device.
Integration Guides
Integration Guide Detailed technical information for your technical support staff responsible for integrating your existing e-commerce system with Online Commerce Suite.
Card Present
Transactions Guide
Detailed technical information for your technical support staff responsible for integrating your POS or other card present credit card and debit transaction processing application with Online Commerce Suite.
Distribution Package Sample code and files used for integration. Includes a fully functional sample shopping cart.
SOAP Integration Guide Detailed technical information about the SOAP interface for your technical support staff responsible for integrating your existing e-commerce system with Online Commerce Suite.
SOAP Reporting Guide Detailed technical information about accessing the SOAP reporting web services.
Stored Profile
Tokenization Guide
Detailed technical information about the required data inputs to utilize the features of the User Profile for tokenization via the XML API.
1stMILE™ MiddleWare Guide Detailed technical information about the Windows library that provides an easy way to integrate credit card and check payment processing, including card swipe and check scanner capabilities, into your custom Windows application.
Additional information about add-ons and sample programs can be found on the 1stMILE MiddleWare page.
WebPay Integration Guide Detailed technical information to aid in the integration and customization of the WebPay Gateway module.
XML Integration Guide Detailed technical information about the XML interface for your technical support staff responsible for integrating your existing e-commerce system with Online Commerce Suite.
IVR Pay By Phone Guide This document describes how to use the IVR Pay by Phone system to submit transactions using your phone.
Web Cart Guide Detailed instructions on how to configure and use your Web Cart Online Store and Shopping Cart.
Web Link Guide Detailed instructions on how to configure and use the Web Link hosted shopping cart.